Monday, December 15, 2008

is anyone still watching?

Best moment of Hills history! Well maybe that's an overstatement. But its def top 5. So Stephanie who is a dumb as a mannequin goes to Audrina's house to look for Heidi? I guess. And who happens to be there but Justin Bobby! I think Audrina really loves this dude and he loves having his scruffy dirt nasty self on tv. Anyway, Stephanie is complaining about how she doesn't know where Heidi is and blah blah. (Steph, its a tv show, wherever they are they're on camera. Duh.) Everything is super serious, cause...did I mention Audrina is as dumb as a can of spaghettios? So Justin goes..."you should put up posters". Ahahahaha. Complete straight face. And stephanie just doesn't get its a joke. Like not at all. Ok I had to be there.

Meanwhile Spencer and his facial hair took Heidi to mexico and got her drunk so he could marry her. *sigh* Is it just me or does Heidi look like a Hugh Hefner girlfriend?

Write the blog. Read the blog. Eat brownies.

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