Saturday, September 6, 2008

college game day, cont.

the only good news is the husky game is all over espn because of that stupid call. after all the games they're gonna have the head commissioner in charge of refs and their stupid calls on to talk about it. i'm not sure if thats his official title. everytime i see it my heart breaks a little. poor huskies. i'd be a husky fan more if it wasn't so hard. i can't feel like this every week. i have to keep reminding myself that I DO NOT PLAY ON THE HUSKY FOOTBALL TEAM. so there is no good reason i'm sitting in my room with my lights off listening to break-up songs on my i-pod.

i may have found someone announcers love more than jake locker. it's that tim tebow guy. he can do no wrong. especially since i'm watching him go to croatia and thailand on mission trips and stuff when what i really want to watch is football!! lets all get used to his name cause we will be hearing alot of it. tim freakin tebow. doesn't sound as bad as john david booty, but its close.

the other good news is that we are not WSU fans. getting beat by 1 because of a bad call is one thing, but getting beat by 63 is a whole other story. ouch. 66-3. thats definitely a basketball score versus a soccer score. oh well, maybe this means the huskies have a chance of beating the cougars this year. that would feel nice. hate those cougars.

all and all not a bad college game day. added some teams to my "i hope you never win a game" list and yelled at the tv a bit. pretty typical. any USC vs OSU predictions? keep in mind this is ohio state not crappy oregon state. i say USC wins. why would i say anything different?? haven't thought of my sign off yet..i'll get there

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