Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Gymboree is a scam and other thoughts of the day

Gymboree is a scam. I really get angry when things that don't make sense make a lot of money. Cause I'm over here making a ton of sense and no money. Today at Gymboree, I'm not really sure what all the other kids were doing, but the kid I brought he climbed on stuff and popped bubbles. Now, I get its important to interact with other kids and blah. but this is ridiculous. I'm pretty sure its like $110 a month which is basically 4 classes that are 50min each. Scam. And also you gotta pay all these fees to join and junk. No no no. My son willbe "testing" the class for free at every location til they figure us out. And then we'll move on to The Little Gym.

Directly next to the Gymboree is this coffee shop and they have this closed off playroom with all these toys. And it doesn't cost anything, they don't even care if you don't buy coffee. So I take the kid there, sit for an hour or so letting him play and it doesn't cost anything! Not a scam. Perhaps on my part it is.

The other day Cole (the kid I watch) and I went to the zoo. He told me he wanted to see the dinosaurs. So do I kid, so do I.

This blog isn't as much for entertainment as it is for education. Don't trust Gymboree. Give your kid a cardboard box and blow some bubbles at him. It'll save you $110 a month. You're welcome.

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