Saturday, September 13, 2008


Pac-2: Oregon and USC
Pac-Terrible: Everyone else. I guess Oregon State won, they can be exempt from the terrible list. UCLA, you are a disgrace.

And today the Em-D award goes to....MARK SANCHEZ. Viva la Sanch.

Hello one person that reads this blog. I thought I'd give you some insight into the secret language of this blog. Here goes:

Cougin it= being mean, you lost 66-3 in the season opener, you deserve it

Hockey scores= when a football team scores less than 5

Baseball scores= when a team scores btw 6-9

Basketball scores= hella points, basically what usc does to people and what uw has done to them

Mother bitch=what D yells when there's a bad play

The Seattle Treament=horrible officiating

Em-D Award= our personal pick for best player/game/play of college game day

4 letter school= a school with 4 letters in their name, you should never lose to SDSU

Jake Locker= the announcers favorite player. Usually its actually jake locker, but somedays other guys get to be it too.

Fight on= if you don't know what this means, stop reading our blog!

Those are just some of the sports related definitions. More to come. Fight on. You are the american dream. Rock the vote.

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