Saturday, September 13, 2008


Yay another Saturday and another College Football Day!! Today is a big day for our Trojans. They're taking on the #5 OSU Buckeyes. What the heck is a Buckeye? And why does the Big 10 think they're so good compared to every other conference? Oh I know why, its cause the stupid Pac 10 is so wish-washy (same term to describe John David Booty against Standford last year, wait i take that back it was against everyone we played, if you need a description of what wish-washy means) that they only show up some days which messes up our entire conference. Anyway i'm pumped for the big game tonight!! Mostly because I was able to make some cash off the game for selling my tickets so I can sit at home and blog about it for all our readers. Wait, what am i saying? One, nobody reads this, and two, the only reason I didn't go was cause I couldn't afford to go, but after selling the tickets I can now afford to go, which is ironic I guess. But the most ironic thing that has happened so far to day was as soon as I was about to throw a rock at my tv (well I would never do that really under any situation, but maybe an air rock i would throw) charlie weiss gets tackled. Man i've been waiting for years to see this happen, and than bam as his head was looking up towards the sky as he yelled i'm the biggest boss that you've seen thus...BAM!!! His own player knocks him down. Now I watched the play over and over and over again and what I came up with was this. The dude that hit him, well he did it on purpose. I mean i'm sure a person can only take getting yelled out by that dude so much, especially with that white nasty film on the sides of his mouth spilling out at you. Trust me, i've had a similar experience with a coach, and if I could have tackled him like that dude, I can't say for sure but there may have been a chance that I would have taken the chance to hit him in the knee. Anyway enough about that wonderful ironic experience, moving on to football. My thoughts so far are this: Oregon needs to step it up, Cal sucks, Notre Dame and Michigan need to give up the rest of their games, the refs need to stop cheating for Notre Dame every single play, and USC has to show up tonight. I love my trojans and am very heart broken when they don't show up. So in closing, if anyone finds out what a Buckeye is, please let a Latina know. Peace. God Is Love. One Shining Moment Can Happen to You. Fight On. Tsuchikawa out.

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