Sunday, September 7, 2008


Oh the VMAs. Usually I don't sit and watch this because it never really is that special to me. Oh but this year is different. I mean, I feel like they tapped into my brain and delivered exactly what I wanted. Almost.

I really got my hopes up thinking Britney would perform. Oh britney, how I love your trainwreck country self. But performance from ms.spears. *sigh* maybe next year. At least she won 2 moonmen...her first 2. Sympathy awards, but awards nonetheless.

Who invited lindsay lohan? Is she relevant anymore? Ugh...why? This russell brand fellow is pretty hilarious. Even though he pronouced everyone's name wrong..."can-yay", "ree-ann-a" british.

Speaking of rhianna...this girl is seriously out to get me. Its not enough that she dates the beautiful and talented chris brown but also she gets to perform with ti. heart hurts. Why do you do it to me rhianna? Why?!

Lil wayne was amazing...most amazing was leona lewis. She is amazing. She is my new mariah carey. I'm so over you mariah...ever since you married that nic cannon fool. I digress. Lil wayne. His performance brought the most awkward moments of the night. Paris Hilton, you waste of life, you'd be better off not dancing at all then awkwardly bobbing your head to lil wayne. Ugh. Then there's kobe. Does everyone hate kobe and his hooker wife? Don't dance kobe. I can't stand you. Lil wayne is amazing...seriously...he even made kid rock's performance watchable.

Who the hell is tokio hotel? Dammit!

Katy Perry was great...Pink, amazing...I even liked Paramour. If I was 10 years younger I would've even loved the Jonas Brothers. Oh yes remember that guy who cursed mtv and said he'd never be back?? He was there. Mister Kanye West. How stupid do you feel? Seriously. Stupid.

My main disappointment was Christina Aguilera. I love her. I do. She looked so fabulous. Like amazing. Why'd she lip sync? Why? That's some britney bullshit christina, step your game up. Seriously, I nearly cried.

Paris Hilton can't read.

My big question mark was, what was the point of Fanny Pack winning the dance battle thing? That was beyond pointless. But I love Fanny Pack. I do. Maybe its Pak with not c so it looks cool. I'll look into it.

I can't wait to watch the VMAs all week long on mtv and mtv2. I know I'm forgetting something important.

To summarize...why was demi moore there?....who is tokio hotel?...stop torturing me rhianna...and I LOVE BRITNEY SPEARS!

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