Tuesday, September 30, 2008

if she cries, she cries.

Oh man. Now I've lost some interest in the Hills. But everytime I think I could give up the drug that is the Hills, an episode airs that just makes me fall in love all over again.

The first best thing about this episode was....No Lo! And not much Audrina. I don't think either one of them had any lines. I mean naturally said things they did not at all read off a script. Anyway, Brody was in this episode...awesome. Also whitney and heidi's mom...2 of my other favs.

Anywho...heidi's mom comes to town to bring the awkward into heidi's world. I feel bad for this family, I mean...first you gotta be heidi's mom. And then you have to deal with spencer. Wait a minute...where are his parents? You know, the more they don't show/mention them the more I think he's the son of the Hamburglar and Cruella deVille.

The best part of the show is when Brody rains down the evil all over Stephanie. I love him. And she deserved it. Remind me again why this broad is even on the show. Oh yeah, the producers told her she has to.

The Hills is genius, it has everything a show could need. It was actually a little funny last night. Whitney and Lauren are hilarious together! I mean I laughed, I felt like crying, and I was terribly jealous of lauren's clothes. Success!

By the by...paris hilton is evil...don't watch her new show. Maybe she's spencer's mom...

Til next time...Hills is home...Hollywood loves you.

I'm not a vegetarian for a reason... I need MEAT!

Maybe its just me but last weeks episode of Grey's despite being two hours long contained little to no protein (aka the building blocks of a good tv program... the muscle if you will). We got really no romantic action. Don't people mostly watch this show to see people making out in the on call room... i mean i would watch a surgery show on TLC if i wanted to gain something medical from tv. Meredith goes in circles like a freakin ferris wheel, "do i love Derek?, Do i not love Derek?, Is love enough?, Is it not? Will we last?, Will he die..." its like ok woman i cannot stand for one more episode you wondering about DEREK.AHHH!!! CAn't she for one episode just be with Derek (in the on call room)! I don't know about you two other writers (there is no longer a reader since I have now become a writer which is the one flaw i find in yall inviting me to be a writer) but I would absolutely love to see Alex and Izzy back together. I mean izzy has ahd a hard shake... Dead dude and GEORGE. She deserves an Alex in her life (that is of course if Alex could grow up and be a man and get over being so insecure!) Ok and then there is that crazy military surgeon dude (can you say male, australian version of Sarah Palin) who just might be perfect for christina altho i have come to think of her as pretty much asexual since Preston exited stage left. I really miss Addison (altho seeing her live this summer was a big help) and i think she should come back. I like Lexi but do not for the life of me see what she sees in George. Im holding out that her and McSteamy will get together, he seems to have a soft spot for her. Torres and Hahn threw me for a loop, actually what threw me for a loop was when Hahn said she had never been with a woman before because she struck me as a fan of tacos way before she met Mexi!!! Anyone else? Bailey had way to small a role as usual. I was secretly laughing inside when Rose stabbed Derek... man that was funny! Anyhow I am looking forward to this weeks episode cause hopefully it will not be some general overview of what might happen this season but actually have some substance to it!! Sorry if my first entry is disjointed and strung together awkwardly but i have a brain being squeezed to capacity by school... I will have more time this week to write my entry and hopefully wont have to waste hours trying to load it onto the computer and can watch it in prime time!

Peace, Love and Anatomy

PS- side note to one of our writers who sells green building products... Meredith and Derek are building a house soon on that cliff and they are probably into going green, sounds like a perfect marketing opportunity for you!! Once Build Block is on Greys everyone will want to build with it! ( that is if they can get a loan from their bank to build... which lets face it they probably can't at this juncture)

Gymboree is a scam and other thoughts of the day

Gymboree is a scam. I really get angry when things that don't make sense make a lot of money. Cause I'm over here making a ton of sense and no money. Today at Gymboree, I'm not really sure what all the other kids were doing, but the kid I brought he climbed on stuff and popped bubbles. Now, I get its important to interact with other kids and blah. but this is ridiculous. I'm pretty sure its like $110 a month which is basically 4 classes that are 50min each. Scam. And also you gotta pay all these fees to join and junk. No no no. My son willbe "testing" the class for free at every location til they figure us out. And then we'll move on to The Little Gym.

Directly next to the Gymboree is this coffee shop and they have this closed off playroom with all these toys. And it doesn't cost anything, they don't even care if you don't buy coffee. So I take the kid there, sit for an hour or so letting him play and it doesn't cost anything! Not a scam. Perhaps on my part it is.

The other day Cole (the kid I watch) and I went to the zoo. He told me he wanted to see the dinosaurs. So do I kid, so do I.

This blog isn't as much for entertainment as it is for education. Don't trust Gymboree. Give your kid a cardboard box and blow some bubbles at him. It'll save you $110 a month. You're welcome.

Monday, September 22, 2008

if you want me to hate you, try and keep me from the Hills

No. I do not want to watch Any Given Sunday. I want you to shut up so I can watch the Hills. Ugh.

Anyway, Stephanie is letting her true colors show by about the 3min mark. Lauren is gone for one minute (in tv time) and she's already ready to go out with Doug Douche.

And who is secretly holding a gun to Lo's head and making her be nice to Audrina? Anyone wanna guess how Audrina wore her hair all episode. Anyone? Anyone? Right. Rocking the side swept bang like its going out of style. Cause it is.

This show is still interesting without Lauren, as long as they keep talking about Lauren. Man...if only my friends lives were so meaningless that people would only listen to them if they were talking about me. That'd be all kinds of awesome. And pathetic.

Why do the little captions say Justin is Audrina's bf? Yucksauce. And Spencer if you say LC one more time I will personally hunt you down and spit in your eye.

Holy plastic surgery! What is up with Brody's mom?! Have you ever seen Desperate Housewives of Orange County? I have and she looks like her face is made up of their operating room leftovers. Ouch. Low blow on my part. Sorry future mom-in-law.

Thank God Lauren is back! Let the awkward-ness ensue. Welcome home Lauren! We hung out with your enemies and your new bestie is dating your ex! Poor girl...at least Brody is there with the "I told you so's" and the "I won't date you but I'll do you" vibe.

Next week Heidi's mom comes to town. I love this lady. Don't know where she went wrong, but looks like she's trying to fix it. Can't wait!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

can't stand....

late at night when i can't sleep i sometimes watch tv, which usually means music videos. now since i don't have comcast service i do not get mtv jams or vh1 soul, my two favorite channels of all time, so i am forced to watch cmt (please no judgements). its like at midnight i turn into a country loving feen, but enough bout me. let me get to the reason why at midnight i had to run to my computer bag and blog about this subject. well the reason is jessica simpson. man i cannot stand this broad, and when did she start going country? i mean i know she's dating a cowboy but what the heck jess, country? i mean you barely made pop, you can't just switch genre's because you don't succeed at the one before. i mean when she doesn't succeed at this country thing and she starts dating 50 Cent and then what, she drops a gangsta rap album "JessE40Water". come on jess, just cause your dating someone doesn't mean you switch your genre career.

now i am not really sure why i'm wasting my time on this, i'm still trying to figure this part out, but i was really bothered when i saw her nasty feet on CMT, and if any of our reader watches CMT please note the scene where she's in the bathtub with no water and they zoom to her feet, you'll understand where i am coming from. i mean its bad enough i can't sleep at night, but then i have to have this image of her feet in my head and her voice in my head. i mean come on jess, just stick to making money off the royalties from newlyweds and from being tony romo's girlfriend.

i know jessica hasn't done anything to me directly except inhabit the same planet as me for too many years but here is a summary for why i can't stand her. first i can't stand her as a country singer. second i can't stand her as a pop singer. third i can't stand her as a realty tv star. fourth i can't stand her as a dallas cowboy's quarterback's girlfriend. and fifth, i can't stand her as a daughter of a preacher man who doesn't act very christian like.

CMT needs to stick to playing real country singers music like Sugarland, Martina, Reba...I love Reba. I actually would have stopped watching CMT forever if Reba didn't come on right after that Simpson video.

Anyway now that i can't sleep, and now that i wrote about something completely useless, and now that all of our reader know i am a CMT watcher, i'm gonna go send pieces of flair to all who may read this. This bloggin is getting out of hand, but at least it gives me something to do when my insomnia is kicking it.

Peace out Santa down. I wanna love like Johnny and June. One Shining Moment is where its at. God is love. Cordeezy out...

Monday, September 15, 2008

O.M.G. its the HILLS!!!!

2 minutes into the Hills and I'm already angry. Why does this show do it to me? Spencer and his flesh-colored beard are so evil to Heidi's poor pathetic small-town sister. And Heidi just lets it happen. I think her heart and brain must be made of plastic just like her nose. HI-OH!

Why does audrina always look so blank? There's just nothing going on in that big head of hers with her oddly placed facial features and repetitive hairdo. Come on you know you noticed.

Oh man. Even when the music isn't weird Lauren is awkwardly bobbing her head. If you don't get that reference, stop reading our blog.

Surprise surprise, Justin Bobby disappoints Audrina. Wow. This show needs better writers. I mean, this REALITY show is so unpredictable!

In unrelated news, our one blog reader is now gonna be our resident Grey's specialist. Congrats. The catch is, you still gotta read the blog. Cause if you don't, no one is.

Back on the Hills....I can't decide who I think is dumber, Heidi or Stephanie. Stephanie doesn't know what a hamster is and she always talks with that upward inflection like everything is a question? But heidi may win the dumb hooker of the year award. She dates Spencer. Enough said. What does she see in him? He's like satan wrapped in evil covered with serial killers. Ugh.

Can't wait til next week. Any episode with Brody is one worth watching. This Doug guy is turning out to be a bit of a douche...I guess being on the Hills is worth more than getting into Heaven.

Live the dream...

Saturday, September 13, 2008


Pac-2: Oregon and USC
Pac-Terrible: Everyone else. I guess Oregon State won, they can be exempt from the terrible list. UCLA, you are a disgrace.

And today the Em-D award goes to....MARK SANCHEZ. Viva la Sanch.

Hello one person that reads this blog. I thought I'd give you some insight into the secret language of this blog. Here goes:

Cougin it= being terrible..lol...I mean, you lost 66-3 in the season opener, you deserve it

Hockey scores= when a football team scores less than 5

Baseball scores= when a team scores btw 6-9

Basketball scores= hella points, basically what usc does to people and what uw has done to them

Mother bitch=what D yells when there's a bad play

The Seattle Treament=horrible officiating

Em-D Award= our personal pick for best player/game/play of college game day

4 letter school= a school with 4 letters in their name, you should never lose to them...like SDSU

Jake Locker= the announcers favorite player. Usually its actually jake locker, but somedays other guys get to be it too.

Fight on= if you don't know what this means, stop reading our blog!

Those are just some of the sports related definitions. More to come. Fight on. You are the american dream. Rock the vote.


Yay another Saturday and another College Football Day!! Today is a big day for our Trojans. They're taking on the #5 OSU Buckeyes. What the heck is a Buckeye? And why does the Big 10 think they're so good compared to every other conference? Oh I know why, its cause the stupid Pac 10 is so wish-washy (same term to describe John David Booty against Standford last year, wait i take that back it was against everyone we played, if you need a description of what wish-washy means) that they only show up some days which messes up our entire conference. Anyway i'm pumped for the big game tonight!! Mostly because I was able to make some cash off the game for selling my tickets so I can sit at home and blog about it for all our readers. Wait, what am i saying? One, nobody reads this, and two, the only reason I didn't go was cause I couldn't afford to go, but after selling the tickets I can now afford to go, which is ironic I guess. But the most ironic thing that has happened so far to day was as soon as I was about to throw a rock at my tv (well I would never do that really under any situation, but maybe an air rock i would throw) charlie weiss gets tackled. Man i've been waiting for years to see this happen, and than bam as his head was looking up towards the sky as he yelled i'm the biggest boss that you've seen thus...BAM!!! His own player knocks him down. Now I watched the play over and over and over again and what I came up with was this. The dude that hit him, well he did it on purpose. I mean i'm sure a person can only take getting yelled out by that dude so much, especially with that white nasty film on the sides of his mouth spilling out at you. Trust me, i've had a similar experience with a coach, and if I could have tackled him like that dude, I can't say for sure but there may have been a chance that I would have taken the chance to hit him in the knee. Anyway enough about that wonderful ironic experience, moving on to football. My thoughts so far are this: Oregon needs to step it up, Cal sucks, Notre Dame and Michigan need to give up the rest of their games, the refs need to stop cheating for Notre Dame every single play, and USC has to show up tonight. I love my trojans and am very heart broken when they don't show up. So in closing, if anyone finds out what a Buckeye is, please let a Latina know. Peace. God Is Love. One Shining Moment Can Happen to You. Fight On. Tsuchikawa out.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


The length of this blog is going to be short, don't be sad, I'm just holding up my blogging power until this Saturday. I don't want to waste all my good material before the weekend gets here. However, this just in Leona Lewis, aka the emancipation of mimi to the third power, will be on Ellen on Thursday.

Moving on, we are so happy that ellen is back in season, and in HD!! Well they tell me its in HD, but on my television it is still in SD. Silly Ellen is in such wedding bliss she doesn't even know the difference between HD and SD. By the way, congratulations to Ellen and Portia on their wedding. Ellen was rockin that pant suit tough, it would have made Justin Timberlake and Ryan Secrest so proud, especially since she probably borrowed it from Idol or from Justin's world tour. Ellen and Portia DeGeneres couldn't have picked a better year to get married since Dos Zero Zero Ocho was the year of the Wedding according to my Chinese place mat at Yin Yang. Congratulations.

Lastly, Ellen brought back Tony this year. I'm not gonna lie i'm excited bout this. I mean I just love a brotha with an english accent, which is weird cause I hate english accents on everyone else, especially Hugh Grant. Also, this year Ellen moved into a new studio which really makes me wanna go back. However, my reason for wanting to go back is 2 fold. The first being the new studio has cup holders!!! And the second being, well I just recently ran out of my previous free bottle of Butterfly given to me personally by Mrs. Cannon on my last trip to Ellen, and I would like to try and get another one so I can smell like a campfire especially since summer is coming to an end.

Speaking of coming to an end, so is this blog. Tune in next time for the College Game Day blog. God is Love. One Shining Moment Can Happen to You. Fight On!!!


I figured it out. The secret of the Hills. Its Lauren freakin Conrad. How can you not like this girl? She has the cutest clothes, a fun job, she travels a lot, eats good food, and dates hot guys. But she is still so pathetic...no one really wants to be her friend and she keeps kinda getting dumped. So we love her cause she needs us too. She tries so hard, poor thing. This show is genius. I mean Lauren could be some kind of evil genius diva spawn of satan in real life, but she does an amazing job at being all sugary sweet everytime the camera rolls. Love her!

Oh but the rest of the cast...here's some characters. Where did mtv find this justinbobby fellow? Why is he allowed on the show? Ugh. Lauren is surrounded by this nonsense...its kind of like a cracked out wizard of oz in the Hills...stephanie=no brain...lo=no heart...and spencer=no soul. Wasn't that one of them? Maybe not.

Stephanie and spencers parents must be so proud. Their kids are such awesome human beings. I'm picturing mr pratt as satan himself and mrs pratt as elizabeth hassleback that dumb republican bitch from the view. No no no...the mom is the wicked witch of the west and the dad is hugh hefner. No no no...the mom is sarah palin and the dad is the monopoly guy. I'm not sure why...

Anyway...there are 2 types of people...ones who love the Hills and ones who secretly love the Hills. Give in...its awesome.

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Oh the VMAs. Usually I don't sit and watch this because it never really is that special to me. Oh but this year is different. I mean, I feel like they tapped into my brain and delivered exactly what I wanted. Almost.

I really got my hopes up thinking Britney would perform. Oh britney, how I love your trainwreck country self. But no...no performance from ms.spears. *sigh* maybe next year. At least she won 2 moonmen...her first 2. Sympathy awards, but awards nonetheless.

Who invited lindsay lohan? Is she relevant anymore? Ugh...why? This russell brand fellow is pretty hilarious. Even though he pronouced everyone's name wrong..."can-yay", "ree-ann-a"...lol...silly british.

Speaking of rhianna...this girl is seriously out to get me. Its not enough that she dates the beautiful and talented chris brown but also she gets to perform with ti. Oooo...my heart hurts. Why do you do it to me rhianna? Why?!

Lil wayne was amazing...most amazing was leona lewis. She is amazing. She is my new mariah carey. I'm so over you mariah...ever since you married that nic cannon fool. I digress. Lil wayne. His performance brought the most awkward moments of the night. Paris Hilton, you waste of life, you'd be better off not dancing at all then awkwardly bobbing your head to lil wayne. Ugh. Then there's kobe. Does everyone hate kobe and his hooker wife? Don't dance kobe. I can't stand you. Lil wayne is amazing...seriously...he even made kid rock's performance watchable.

Who the hell is tokio hotel? Dammit!

Katy Perry was great...Pink, amazing...I even liked Paramour. If I was 10 years younger I would've even loved the Jonas Brothers. Oh yes remember that guy who cursed mtv and said he'd never be back?? He was there. Mister Kanye West. How stupid do you feel? Seriously. Stupid.

My main disappointment was Christina Aguilera. I love her. I do. She looked so fabulous. Like amazing. Why'd she lip sync? Why? That's some britney bullshit christina, step your game up. Seriously, I nearly cried.

Paris Hilton can't read.

My big question mark was, what was the point of Fanny Pack winning the dance battle thing? That was beyond pointless. But I love Fanny Pack. I do. Maybe its Pak with not c so it looks cool. I'll look into it.

I can't wait to watch the VMAs all week long on mtv and mtv2. I know I'm forgetting something important.

To summarize...why was demi moore there?....who is tokio hotel?...stop torturing me rhianna...and I LOVE BRITNEY SPEARS!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

college game day, cont.

the only good news is the husky game is all over espn because of that stupid call. after all the games they're gonna have the head commissioner in charge of refs and their stupid calls on to talk about it. i'm not sure if thats his official title. everytime i see it my heart breaks a little. poor huskies. i'd be a husky fan more if it wasn't so hard. i can't feel like this every week. i have to keep reminding myself that I DO NOT PLAY ON THE HUSKY FOOTBALL TEAM. so there is no good reason i'm sitting in my room with my lights off listening to break-up songs on my i-pod.

i may have found someone announcers love more than jake locker. it's that tim tebow guy. he can do no wrong. especially since i'm watching him go to croatia and thailand on mission trips and stuff when what i really want to watch is football!! lets all get used to his name cause we will be hearing alot of it. tim freakin tebow. doesn't sound as bad as john david booty, but its close.

the other good news is that we are not WSU fans. getting beat by 1 because of a bad call is one thing, but getting beat by 63 is a whole other story. ouch. 66-3. thats definitely a basketball score versus a soccer score. oh well, maybe this means the huskies have a chance of beating the cougars this year. that would feel nice. hate those cougars.

all and all not a bad college game day. added some teams to my "i hope you never win a game" list and yelled at the tv a bit. pretty typical. any USC vs OSU predictions? keep in mind this is ohio state not crappy oregon state. i say USC wins. why would i say anything different?? haven't thought of my sign off yet..i'll get there

college game day, continued

today's college game day things i learned. first, everyone in the world is a fan of the UW quarterback, except of course the refs. how the heck they gonna penalize a dude who gently throws the ball into the air and jumps into the arms of his fellow teammates. why does every seattle team always get screwed by the refs? UW had a great drive and then their hearts get pounded in the ground from the refs for a crazy bogus (non-)celebration call. it was so hard to watch, i almost changed the channel to watch a hugh grant movie instead of the game. the only good outcome of the game was that the kia got filled with gas due to sadness filling the heart and mind of mike mckenzie.

second, is it really an upset if someone beats notre dame? i mean seriously, what the heck have they done in the past except almost beat usc? can they really celebrate a win against SDSU? i mean who names their school San Diego State University when San Diego is obviously not a state? I mean its not like I went to Seattle State University, I went to Seattle University no State required in the title, but that's beside the point. The point is that Notre Dame scheduled a team to play that couldn't even beat Cal State Poly, or some Cal State school. In any case SDSU can't even make a point after field goal at the normal spot (unlike UW who unfairly got penalized for excessive celebration, you know maybe Lockers just likes to dance to Shout in his head. who doesn't? anyway...) how are they expected to win a game with that performance? then SDSU loses the ball one inch from the end zone! what the heck? that's the last time i cheer for a team that is a city that has state in it. i should have known from the beginning that they would disappoint me, similar to the disappointment of going to a UW basketball game as Chris Penrose's guest (no offense to Chris Penrose, nobody can cheer like that dude). i can't wait til UW plays ND so i can go heckle the heck out of that qb with long hair.

third, i'm so proud of the school i went to today. i mean i don't think anyone saw Eastern Carolina beating #8 West Virginia, except for me of course. I love that school. Go Purple!

fourth, why does UNM suck so bad? they should change their name to Albuquerque State University, maybe that would help them not be so embarrassed when they allow their teams to get basketball scoring numbers while the only thing that they can put up on the board is soccer scoring numbers.

anyway that's all i got for today. this weekend was s bye weekend for my real team, FIGHT ON!! but we'll be back next weekend to play Ohio State. I'll have more to say then.

God is love. Fight on.

college game day!

today is our first college game day post. even though our team has a bye. (our team is of course USC FIGHT ON!) today we mainly watched 2 games...one was UW vs BYU and the other ND vs SDSU. oh man, that UW game was a heartbreaker. just as predicted they got our hopes up up up and then they lost. surprise. i need to start making bets. to their credit, it was the refs fault. it was. no, it was. i can't talk about it anymore. i'm sad i sat there and watched the whole thing. especially since while i was doing that i missed a Smart Guy marathon on BET. yeah Smart guy. bet you never thought you'd see that show again. well neither did i. and maybe now i never will.

anyway the 2nd game of the day is still in progress. but i'd like to make some bets on that outcome as well. when you miss the extra point its a sign of disaster to come. especially if you play for a school with 4 letters in its initials. think about it. you're playing away against a team that is supposed to beat you and you wanna make all these mistakes? ok SDSU we'll see how that works out for you. my prediction is you lose by 1 or 7 plus 1 or 14 plus 1. damn you.