Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I'm not a vegetarian for a reason... I need MEAT!

Maybe its just me but last weeks episode of Grey's despite being two hours long contained little to no protein (aka the building blocks of a good tv program... the muscle if you will). We got really no romantic action. Don't people mostly watch this show to see people making out in the on call room... i mean i would watch a surgery show on TLC if i wanted to gain something medical from tv. Meredith goes in circles like a freakin ferris wheel, "do i love Derek?, Do i not love Derek?, Is love enough?, Is it not? Will we last?, Will he die..." its like ok woman i cannot stand for one more episode you wondering about DEREK.AHHH!!! CAn't she for one episode just be with Derek (in the on call room)! I don't know about you two other writers (there is no longer a reader since I have now become a writer which is the one flaw i find in yall inviting me to be a writer) but I would absolutely love to see Alex and Izzy back together. I mean izzy has ahd a hard shake... Dead dude and GEORGE. She deserves an Alex in her life (that is of course if Alex could grow up and be a man and get over being so insecure!) Ok and then there is that crazy military surgeon dude (can you say male, australian version of Sarah Palin) who just might be perfect for christina altho i have come to think of her as pretty much asexual since Preston exited stage left. I really miss Addison (altho seeing her live this summer was a big help) and i think she should come back. I like Lexi but do not for the life of me see what she sees in George. Im holding out that her and McSteamy will get together, he seems to have a soft spot for her. Torres and Hahn threw me for a loop, actually what threw me for a loop was when Hahn said she had never been with a woman before because she struck me as a fan of tacos way before she met Mexi!!! Anyone else? Bailey had way to small a role as usual. I was secretly laughing inside when Rose stabbed Derek... man that was funny! Anyhow I am looking forward to this weeks episode cause hopefully it will not be some general overview of what might happen this season but actually have some substance to it!! Sorry if my first entry is disjointed and strung together awkwardly but i have a brain being squeezed to capacity by school... I will have more time this week to write my entry and hopefully wont have to waste hours trying to load it onto the computer and can watch it in prime time!

Peace, Love and Anatomy

PS- side note to one of our writers who sells green building products... Meredith and Derek are building a house soon on that cliff and they are probably into going green, sounds like a perfect marketing opportunity for you!! Once Build Block is on Greys everyone will want to build with it! ( that is if they can get a loan from their bank to build... which lets face it they probably can't at this juncture)

1 comment:

Emily said...

This is awesome. When I read the title I was a little worried...it sounded a little x-rated. :)

Honestly, I'm not much of a grey's fan and reading this blog described why. Damn meredith. Make up your mind!

What makes me sad about this blog, which you so brilliantly pointed out, was that now the blog has no audience. Haha. But we better find some new audience cause this blogger has to stay!